
Hello everybody!

Here is the blog of our comenius project 2010-2012 "Our Planet in Our Hands". We are five schools from France, Latvia, Poland, Romania and Turkey.

Saturday, 21 April 2012

Junk food posters-by the French team

Our latest work in the Comenius project: posters about junk food. They were exchanged in Romania in March. You can see pictures of the exchange in Valea Canepii school, pictures of French posters and posters the French team received. I'd like to thanks pupils from my 5°1 for the analyses and comments they made of the posters we got.

Sunday, 8 April 2012

French seasonal meals

Here is our recipes book! We hope you'll find it tasty and Yummy!!!!
Moreover at the end, you'll find a very interesting report written by Chad who spent some times on investigating about the origin of the food that is served at the canteen. He finally kept only his work on bread, which is very important to French people! Thanks everyone for your work, especially Aysu, Capucine and Chad!

Latvian Seasonal Meals