
Hello everybody!

Here is the blog of our comenius project 2010-2012 "Our Planet in Our Hands". We are five schools from France, Latvia, Poland, Romania and Turkey.

Monday, 12 December 2011

How we spent time with our guests from Comenius in Latvia

Info in the local regional newspaper "Druva". 
We sent them one picture also where we are together in 
Cesis but they did not put it in newspaper.

Saturday, 3 December 2011

Endangered species

This is our common work on endangered species. Each partner chose 6 endangered species: 3 from our area or country, and 3 from other parts of the world. We have introduced those animals, their habits, but have also tried to find why they are endangered, and what is being done to protect them.

Friday, 18 November 2011

Visit in Latvia

Romanian team was left with memories of the third visit of the project in Latvia

Thursday, 10 November 2011

Cleaning up-A press article!

 There was a press article about our action: "let's clean up our local world". As I already told on the blog, we did a second day, this time with a local association and primary schools.

Les berges des Viennes nettoyées par des élèves | L'Est Eclair

Saturday, 29 October 2011

Our trip to Latvia-French presentation

Here is our new presentation about our trip to Latvia. It's always so hard to select only a few pictures and memories because we had such a good time there! Thanks again to our wonderful hosts, Ilze and her lovely pupils, and our dear friends from Poland, Turkey and Romania. See you soon in Istanbul!


Monday, 10 October 2011

Monday, 13 June 2011

Eco detectives

Here are the pictures of our eco detectives preparing the map to locate the dirty places around. We also made interviews to know what pupils thought of our city cleanliness. We sent the interviews together with the pictures to the local authorities.

Aysu working on the titleMarie-Margaux paintingAdrien and Thibaud workingMarouan, very seriousMathilde, Léa M et Laure-LineCIMG7584
CIMG7585CIMG7586A poster with interviews about our city cleanlinessCIMG7603CIMG7601CIMG7599
CIMG7590CIMG7589Léa and Léa showing the final work!

Eco detectives, un album sur Flickr.

Monday, 6 June 2011

Great team - Liga and Zanna

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An article about cleanliness in our city

This is a document both in French and English: I asked students what they thought of their city, if they would say it was clean or not. The first two pages are in French, and the English version is at the end.

Investigation: is our city clean?

Let's clean up our local environment! French cleaners put their gloves on!

Let's clean up our local environment!

Monday, 23 May 2011

Here is a video of the visit to Poland made by the Romanian partners. A really wonderful work!